Getting a substantial unsecured personal loan is not really easy when a person's credit history is bad. If you are currently knee deep in debt and you need $50,000 to overcome your financial hardships, what you can do is to look for private loan providers for assistance. These companies are specialized in providing loans for people with poor credit.
Even though there are many non-bank lenders in the market, you may not be able to apply for $50,000 successfully if your current salary is not high enough. For instance, if your monthly income is only $2000, most of the lenders are reluctant to lend you unsecured loan with the amount of $50,000. This is because your credit score is low. In addition, they find that you don't have the financial ability to pay back the loan within a short period of time. They are not willing to bear high financial risk.
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In order to obtain the financial assistance successfully, there is one solution for you. You are advised to look for someone with excellent credit rating to be your co-signer. You need to ask for a big favor from the person to co-sign the loan application for you. If you manage to get your family member or your friend to be the co-signer, you stand a higher chance to obtain the loan. The lenders usually evaluate the financial position of the co-signer instead of assessing your financial ability. If you fail to repay the loan, the financial obligation will be shifted to your co-signer. In my personal opinion, you are advised to think twice when you need to get a co-signer. You must make sure that you really have the ability to pay back the loan on time. If not, the credit score of your co-signer will be badly affected. I believe you don't wish to cause trouble to your family member or friend. If nobody is willing to be your co-signer, then you have to find out whether your credit union can assist you on this matter. Most of the credit unions in US provide low-interest loans for their members. You are advised to find out whether the union you join is able to assist you.
Honestly speaking, you need to bear more cost for getting large loan when your credit score is terrible. Hence, you are reminded to decide the loan amount carefully based on your real financial needs. Since the interest rates for bad credit loans are always high, it would be better if you can keep your loan amount as low as possible.
To sum up, getting large loan is still possible even if your credit rating is bad. What you need to do is to fulfill certain terms and conditions.