You may think that having bad credit implies being unable to get a loan or getting a loan but having to pay high interest rates. Though it is partly true, it is also true that there are ways of getting approved for a loan with low interest rates even with bad credit. Most commonly, secured bad credit loans have low interest rates since the lender is guaranteed repayment by the collateral offered by the applicant.
Savings-Secured Loans
The good news are that the finance industry has created a new way to provide bad credit loans with low interest rates for people that are not homeowners. Savings-secured loans are a way to borrow money using your savings funds as collateral. The money you have on your savings account will then become the loan's security.
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Few Requirements
Your credit score is not that important, since the loan is secured with your own savings and the bank or financial institution already knows you've a steady income since you've been putting away money regularly on your bank account. Thus, the application process is very simple and straightforward.
Extremely Low Interest Rate
The money on your savings account will remain earning interests so the real interest rate you'll have to pay on the loan will be exiguous. You'll usually get to pay around 2% or 3% over the interest rate you earn on your savings thus; you'll actually be paying only that interest rate. Given that you have bad credit, you won't be able to get a better deal anywhere.
Loan Amount and Loan Term
The loan amount will be determined by your savings, you'll be able to borrow up to 100% of your savings at a low interest rate. This turns your savings into an assurance system; in an emergency you'll be able to obtain a loan without losing your savings and being able to repay it in small installments.
The loan term also varies, usually this kind of loans are for short periods of time since they intend to be a source of cash for urgent situations. However, given that the loan is secured by your savings, the lenders won't have any problem to provide flexible repayment schedules. That being said, there are savings-secured loans repayable in up to 10 years.
As you can see, savings-secured loans are a great option for those who have less than perfect credit and want to have a secure source of finance for any unexpected situation that may arise without having to sacrifice their savings. Besides, these loans also help those who request them to improve their credit score and history since the lenders who supply them report regularly to credit agencies.