Do not let your bad credit history or negatively reported items on your credit report keep you from buying the car you need. Regardless of whether you have had a repossession or even declared bankruptcy, there are car loans for people just like you. Many lenders are actively seeking out people with your type of credit history that are looking for another chance to become a car owner.
Loans Up To $20,000
You can get a bad credit car loan for amounts up to $20,000. Most lenders realize that the car that you purchase is an excellent form of collateral against your loan, so your bad credit history is not relevant when they decide to loan you money to buy the car you need. What these lenders look at is your ability to repay - so having the same employer for a lengthy period of time and earning a decent wage are paramount to getting your bad credit car loan approved. Keep in mind that if you are married, you can ask the lender to consider both your wages and that of your spouse when making a decision about your bad credit loan.
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Consider A Quality Used Vehicle
When you begin your search for a car (or truck, SUV, motorcycle, van, or other vehicle), consider whether you might want to go with a used model. There are many quality used vehicles out there that might fit your needs at a fraction of the price of the newer version. When looking at used vehicles, be sure to bring someone with you if you are not familiar with looking for maintenance issues - and ask lots of questions of the dealer. With a little bit of legwork, you can find a quality used vehicle that will meet your transportation needs for years to come.
A good idea when shopping for the car that you want to bring home is to look for those models that come with a warranty. A warranty can go a long way towards helping you get your vehicle fixed if anything should pop up that requires repairs. A warranty might be offered in the cost of the vehicle for a certain period of time or until the vehicle reaches a certain number of miles. Look for those warranties that also give you an allowance to rent another vehicle while yours is in the repair shop.
To improve your chances of receiving the bad credit car loan that you need, you might want to consider applying alongside a cosigner who has good credit. A cosigner can be your parent, relative, friend, coworker, or other individual who has a good credit score and is willing to stand behind you and make your payments should you default on the terms of your bad credit car loan.
Online Lenders Offer Measurable Savings
Online lenders have historically lower rates than your local bank and also have higher rates of approval. Online lenders also give you the added advantage of being able to fill out all necessary paperwork from the comfort of your own home.