If you have bad credit, you have probably faced many frustrating situations in regards to getting loans for anything. Chances are you have been turned down for a car loan more than once during your efforts to obtain financing to buy a used car. The fact is that you need a car, no matter what your credit report says. How, then, can you get a used car loan when you have bad credit? Here are three simple options that are open to many car buyers today. Hopefully, you will find you can pursue one or more of these options that allow you secure your bad credit loan with no money down.
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Your first option is to approach a local bank or credit union. In order for this method to work, you should have a checking account with the bank or credit union you attempt to take out a loan from. As long as you have a reasonable balance in your account and no history of overdrafts, you will be pleased to learn that you are likely to be accepted for a loan if you have had a stable job and address for the past two or three years and if the car is priced within certain guidelines.
Another option for you is to seek "Buy Here, Pay Here" car lots. These do not necessarily have the cheapest cars available, but financing options tend to be more lenient. Some do not even require a credit check. The only way to finance in this way with no money down is to have a trade-in vehicle that is either paid off or has a considerable amount of equity on it. If you are looking for the absolute best deal, this may not be the place to turn, but for those with poor credit who need a place of understanding to finance their loan, it may be a good option.
Finally, there are online lending companies that are in business specifically to help those with poor credit. This method is the easiest, fastest, and most likely option to be approved for the loan you want quickly and easily. You can benefit from lower interest rates and reasonable monthly payments when you work with a company whose sole purpose is to help people who are in your precise predicament. Also, with this method, you can shop the bargains and get the best deal for you.
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