If you have ever applied for a conventional loan, then you know that it can take a long time for a credit check to go through and for the paperwork to be processed. It can seem like an eternity. Fortunately, with the Internet, a quick unsecured loan decision can happen for you in a matter of no more than 24 hours - and you will have at least a temporary solution to your seemingly impossible money woes! There is little paperwork, a short waiting period and few qualifications for this type of loan - perfect for those crisis situations that require a rapid influx of cash.
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A quick unsecured loan means that the lender is willing, for a higher interest rate of course, to lend you from $1,000 up to $15,000 for a period of generally no more than five to ten years. Here is something else else for you to consider, as a potential applicant: in most loan applications, you go to the bank, right? Well, in this case, the bank is literally at your finger tips! How much more convenient can a loan get?!
You should know that there are a few basic requirements in order to obtain a quick unsecured loan, but not as many as a conventional loan. You have to be 18 or older, and a regular source of income is quite important. In addition, your credit history should be good, in fact the better it is, the more likely you are to receive a loan. The biggest advantage of this kind of loan is that it is unsecured, meaning that you do not have to put something up as collateral in the event that you default. Be aware, however, that default can cost you much more than the loan amount...so keep up your payments and do not be late!