Availing a bad credit loan can be a tough task. Worse if you are looking for an unsecured loan. But don't get discouraged if you can't find a lender because there's a loan specially designed for people like you called as bad credit unsecured loans.
As the name suggests, these loans are specially designed for people suffering from bad credit status. A person having a FICO credit status of less than 600 points is called as bad creditor. If you are facing arrears, defaults, CCJ's, IVA, bankruptcy etc, you can still avail the benefits of such loans.
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There are certain documents that you must submit in order to avail these loans. You must have a full time job and regular monthly income. You will have to submit your job proof and income proof to your lender.
Amount and Interest
The loan amount that can be availed with unsecured loan bad credit ranges from £ 1000 - £ 25000. The repayment duration is quite flexible. You can choose a repayment duration starting from 1- 10 years depending upon your needs. If you want to keep your monthly installments small then go for longer period of repayment but remember this way you will have to pay more money because of the applicable interest rate. Unsecured loan bad credit carries very high interest rate because of the risk factor involved. But with good research you can avail them at competitive interest rate.
These loans are useful for people who don't have any property to place as collateral in order to avail normal loans and are suffering from bad credit status simultaneously. The amount can be used for any purpose like vacation, wedding, home improvements, paying debts and so on.
There are not many lenders who offer bad credit unsecured loans. You need to make exhaustive search of the financial market to avail it at competitive interest rate and with reasonable terms and conditions.
Bad credit unsecured loans are loans for people who can't avail loan due to their bad credit status and also don't have any personal property to place as collateral. Bad creditors can avail to fulfill their needs be it personal or professional. Acute search is required to find a lender offering unsecured bad credit loans.